Dear Mr. President, George H. W. Bush, It Was the Best of Times
The first 23 months of my US Naval Academy service could best be described as if I were playing a starring role in the Charles Dickens’s novel “A[...]
Military, Leadership, Inspiration |
The first 23 months of my US Naval Academy service could best be described as if I were playing a starring role in the Charles Dickens’s novel “A[...]
Family, Leadership, Entrepreneurs, Inspiration, Success |
In the movie Rambo, Sylvester Stallone plays a soldier named John Rambo who conducts a series of missions all by himself. The lone soldier acts so[...]
Leadership, Inspiration, Success |
Improvising is a habit like exercising and planning, and it takes time and practice to make it a habit. The ability to improvise is not a talent that[...]
In case you missed it, I posted a 3-part series on Goals, diving into the Why, How, What, of goals; followed by another trio of goal-related posts:[...]
Leadership, Entrepreneurs, Inspiration |
Care Based Leading is my methodology on how the best leaders build and unlock the full potential of their teams in business and in life. When you[...]
Military, Leadership, Inspiration, Success |
BE UNSTOPPABLE Master the code to succeed at anything, and get your mind working for you, not against you. GET STARTED—IT’S FREE!
I want to share with you how I approach training leaders and teams from the perspective of a Navy SEAL Motivational speaker. I never give the same[...]
Wow! With your support, we have surpassed our goal to raise a dollar for every foot climbed to the peak of Mt. Denali at an elevation of 20,310 feet.[...]
Military, Leadership, Inspiration |
Care-based Navy SEAL Leadership Principles in Action Care-Based Leadership is found in those moving nations, such as Mahatma Ghandi or Winston[...]
Leadership, Inspiration, Success |
Now that the fanfare of ringing in 2018 is a distant memory and the winter doldrums have settled in across the country, it is time for an honest gut[...]