I want to share with you how I approach training leaders and teams from the perspective of a Navy SEAL Motivational speaker. I never give the same speech twice, and that is because I tailor my speeches to the desired outcomes that we seek to achieve together.

I have over 25 years of experience as a CEO and in leading Navy Seals. I have written two books, Be Unstoppable, and Build Unstoppable Teams. I have a wide variety of stories.

My speeches can range from just a small segment of Navy SEAL stories to making the entire thing about a Navy SEAL inspirational experience. The point is I work with you, the owners and the event planners, to make a transformative experience for everybody in the audience.

“ Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. – President Calvin Coolidge

I am not a psychiatrist or an academic researcher or a therapist; I am a grinder – a practitioner of persistence – pressing on to overcome obstacles, defy the odds and do what experts say can’t be done. From leading Navy SEALs to starting companies, I have learned to ‘Press On’ through some of the darkest of times.

I’ve battled what I call the “demons of doubt” from every category they come from: physically, mentally, and emotionally. I would much prefer to summit that proverbial “mountain” of a goal using a helicopter, but after 35 years of struggle, I have found it is not about the obstacle you face; instead, it is about how you face it in your head that matters.

Navy SEAL Training to Transform Negative Emotions into Creative Problem Solving

From my earliest days of dealing with asthma, to every accomplishment thereafter – rowing champion, Navy SEAL platoon commander and CEO/Founder of one of the fastest growing companies in America – I have used an unorthodox technique to keep me focused and inspired: negativity.

I outline the negative consequences of failing to achieve the goal and then associate those outcomes with the people I care about most. I call this technique “Outcome Movies.” These mini-movies represent a fast-forward of what it feels like not to achieve the goal. The operative word is “feel.” I build these movies in my head, based on the negative consequences associated with giving-up. But, the movie doesn’t end with me – I weave the people I care about most into the movie.

How you deal with the internal conversation between your ears sets the tone for you and your team’s behavior. We have all heard the about the power of positive thinking – and I am advocate of it, especially when using it to give yourself perspective on your situation. However, for those truly dark, scary moments when all seems lost, I find the greatest motivator to press on comes from harnessing negative emotions.


Seeking Expert Advice on Leadership Lessons and Leadership Principles

JO’s, or junior officers, have only a short time upon arriving for SEAL duty to earn the respect of their platoon mates. This can be a critical milestone in building a reputation as an officer others would join in going into combat. Arriving with a college education and a certificate of completion from Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL, BUD/S training, doesn’t get you respect; it merely gets you through the front door for consideration for a leadership position. The ability to ask others for advice is more important than diplomas, marksmanship awards, or how many push-ups you can do. The others I’m referring to are the men that technically report to you. They have years more experience than you’ll ever have as a SEAL. This is one of the great paradoxes of military command: Those in charge often have the least experience.

You Will Never Know It All. Use Experts to Help You Excel

Every time I embark on a new goal I do three things:

  1. Define the goal and make it as measurable as possible.
  2. Define my “why” — why is this goal worth focusing on and why is it worth dedicating time to?
  3. Decide who can help me get started on the goal.

Be prepared to seek out a variety of experts. There will be experts to help get you started, some to help get you unstuck, and others to help get you across the goal line. I categorize experts into a simple acronym I call “S.E.T.” as in Get SET! like you are about to start a race (which by the way, you kind of are beginning a race, a journey race that is, when you have decided to get out of your comfort zone!).

There are Three Kinds of Experts That You Will Need in Life: Strategic, Emergency and Tactical Experts

Sometimes one expert can play multiple roles, like a Dad being both a Strategic and Emergency expert. But as your dreams get bigger and bolder, your “S.E.T.” team does as well. Some might be able to help throughout the entire journey toward your goal, but those are rare. When I started Perfect Fitness, I sought out experts in operations, finance, industrial design, marketing, infomercials, sales, e-commerce, human resources, banking, accounting, legal issues, and more. I cannot stress this enough: You will need help, so get comfortable asking for it. This can be your biggest asset or your biggest liability. The better your experts the better your chances for success. The sooner you become willing to seek out experts for assistance, the faster you’ll achieve your goal. Put your pride aside: seek expert advice!

People often ask how I invented the Perfect Pushup. The short answer is that I invented the Perfect Pushup along with about twenty-five other people. Sure, I came up with the idea, but an idea isn’t worth the napkin it’s printed on without others, including some who know more than you do, helping you make that idea a reality. You may also convince many of these experts to join you on your journey, which is what the eighth and final action is all about.

Navy SEAL Motivational Speaker on Leadership and High-Performance Teams

If you search carefully and ask thoughtfully, you can almost always find someone willing to share words of wisdom that can help you improve your chances of success. The right expert can shave hundreds if not thousands of hours of frustration and false starts off your journey toward achieving your goal.

In my Navy SEAL motivational keynote speaker engagements, I cover three main topics: leadership, team building, and high-performance training. At the end of the day, I want audiences to leave feeling inspired to achieve more than they originally thought possible.

You should feel free to give me a call prior to your making a decision so you can hear how I will approach your event. I look forward to hearing from you, and let’s make something great together.

Invite Alden to Be the Keynote Speaker at Your Event and Be Inspired, Equipped and Transformed

Onward and upward!


Unstoppable Book: Mills, Alden M.. Be Unstoppable: The 8 Essential Actions to Succeed at Anything (Second Edition). Tilbury House Publishers.

Praise for Be Unstoppable Book

“Here are the lessons you want your children to learn and the tools and foundation for personal fulfillment.”

—Luka Erceg, Founder of Simbol Materials

“As a former US Army Special Forces operator (the Green Berets), an entrepreneur, and a father, I highly recommend this book. Mills does a masterful job of embedding the mission-critical components of how to succeed at anything in a wonderful storyline that is both memorable and remarkable. Put this book on your required reading list!”

—Larry Broughton, Founder and CEO, broughtonHOTELS.com and BROUGHTONadvisory.com

“Reading BE UNSTOPPABLE is like getting a Royal flush every time you play poker, except it’s better. Mills removes the mystery from success with a wonderfully simple code that you can apply to anything you have the courage to go after. This is a book that you will read over and over!”

—Annie Duke, Professional Poker Player, World Series of Poker Gold Bracelet Winner

“This book teaches what most people in their heart of hearts know to be true. However, knowing achieves nothing. Only action leads to success and that’s where this book scores so high. Through clever fable it guides and motivates to action.”

—Mike Faith, CEO, Headsets.com, Inc.

“Alden infused this important work with energy, practical thinking, and a challenge for anyone looking for real change. I look forward to applying these principles to my own business and life.”

—David R. Duncan, President and CEO, Silver Oak and Twomey Cellars

“I plan to read this to my daughter at least a few times. I recommend this book to parents, and to anyone who wants to get more out of their life.”

—Chris Caren, father of one, CEO of Turnitin.com, the leading academic plagiarism checker technology for teachers and students

“The bad news is that this book wasn’t available when I was playing football! The good news is that it will be mandatory reading for all three of my children.”

—Damon Huard, NFL quarterback, two-time NFL Super Bowl Champion


Fired Up about my NEW BOOK!—Unstoppable Teams: The 4 Essential Actions of High-Performance Leadership

Unstoppable Teams: The Four Essential Actions of High-Performance Leadership Hardcover – March 26, 2019
Unstoppable Teams is the handbook for how to build care-based teams that will push people to achieve more than they ever thought possible. You can pre-order your copy today!